BuildWith IONOS

Project Build Configuration

How BuildWith Ionos handels the build configuration for a project

BuildWith Ionos uses Github actions to process the building of projects and deploys the result to a Webspace.

When a new Project is created BuildWith Ionos needs a buildconfiguration to generate the github actions workflow file.
A .ionos.yaml in the git repository will be used if present.
If no configruation is provided in the repository BuildWith Ionos tries to identify the buildconfiguration.
When this is not possible you can select a build template suitable for the project.

The following Information should help you to generate a .ionos.yaml for a repository.

The .ionos.yaml has to be in the root of the git repository.
It defines how to prepare the build environment, build the project and which directory should be copied to the webspace.

A .ionos.yaml has the following properties:

distFolder String true The folder to copy to the webspace dist
setup List<SetupStep> false The setup steps are uses steps for the workflow to setup the build environment. see SetupStep
prepare PrepareStep false The prepare step is run step for the workflow to prepare the environment. see PrepareStep
build BuildStep false The build step is a run step for the workflow to build the project. see BuildStep

A SetupStep is a uses steps for the github workflow that defines a action.
It has the following properties:

name String true The name for the step in the workflow Setup Node.js 12.x
action String true The github action actions/setup-node@v1
properties Map<String, String> false The properties will be used as with that are used as INPUT_ for the action. properties:
  node-version: 10.13.3

A PrepareStep is a run step used to prepare the environment e.G. installing the build dependencies.
It has the following properties:

name String true The name for the step in the workflow
command String true The command to setup the environment.
Separate commands will be split bei "\n"
Prepare Project build environment

A BuildStep is a run step used to build the project.
It has the following properties:

name String true The name for the step in the workflow Build node project
command String true The command to run as build step.
Separate commands will be split bei "\n"
yarn build
environment Map<String, String> false The entries are set es env-variables for the build shell. environment:
  SITE_URL: ${{ }}
  CI: true

The Get Project Info Action will be added to the workflow with id: project.
This action outputs site-url and remote-host that can be accessed in an environment of the BuildStep via ${{ }}
The github action will then use the output from Get Project Info and inject it into environment variable.

Have a Look at the example configurations.